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Wellness, Yoga, & FLAX: Maintaining Wellness In The Present Moment and How FLAX May Help

By Joan Fenton
on June 08, 2020
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Here at LinenWoman, we recognize that wellness is more than just physical. Wearing comfortable clothing has the power to genuinely ease your mind, allowing you to focus on things other than your outfit. Naturally, wearing FLAX, our 100% linen clothing, is more than just about style. It can help you feel more grounded physically and mentally, especially if you practice other wellness activities such as yoga while also wearing FLAX. As we navigate a changing world and dream for better, finding this inner piece is an absolute necessity. 

Yoga is the noble practice of unifying one’s mind, body, and spirit through a series of postures and poses. Derived from the writing of ancient Indian sages, the discipline of yoga can be both a spiritual and physical activity. Yoga encourages you to foster an awareness of your body through measured, thoughtful breathing and movement. At times, practicing yoga can help quiet the mind and achieve much-needed clarity.

Any yoga instructor will tell you-- comfortable clothing is key to the practice of yoga. For instance, itchy, uncomfortable fabrics can leave you irritated both physically and mentally, pulling your attention away from your body and your practice. Breathable, non-restrictive clothing like linen allows you to move freely and get the most out of every movement. Naturally, this makes FLAX the ideal outfit for yoga-- you may even forget you’re wearing anything at all! The comfortable, airy linen can help you breathe into the relaxation. As well, our sustainably made FLAX reflects a commitment to loving and respecting the earth, a tenet embedded within the discipline of yoga. 

For your yoga needs, I recommend the sporty Urban Crop, or the even more relaxed Full Time Pant. As all three are part of our Urban FLAX collections, they have a cotton knit trim and a natural wrinkle perfect for comfortable, flexible movement. Whether practicing yoga at home or at Yogaville where many of our regular customers in Charlottesville retreat to, yoga can help you lean into the current moment and arrive at even greater revelations. At the present moment when we can genuinely affect the world with our every action, wellness is more paramount than ever. Why let uncomfortable clothing stop you when you can wear FLAX? 

Happy Yoga and Namaste!

~ Sophia,  J.Fenton Gallery (Williamsburg, VA)

Sit Back and Relax with Flax

By Joan Fenton
on May 19, 2020
With 0 comments

Now more than ever, wearing clothing that helps you feel comfortable and relaxed is a top priority...

With much more time spent at home and an increasing need to destress, the phrase “Dress How You Want to Feel!” has never felt more relevant! As we navigate the changing landscape of community health restrictions, our Flax clothing is perfect for feeling unrestricted. The breathable and flexible linen of our Flax clothing allows you to connect with the natural world, without feeling contained by harsh and stiff fabrics. Our linen fabric is inherently lightweight, breathable, moisture-wicking, and thermoregulating, and our thoughtful Flax cuts emphasize those qualities for the best possible wear. Whether taking a stroll in your neighborhood, lounging on the couch, or simply stepping out to get some air, Flax is the ideal clothing for you. For those days when you want to get out of your pjs and slip into something just as comfy (& even more stylish!), Flax is the perfect fit. You’ll never want to wear jeans again!

~ Sophia, J.Fenton Gallery (Williamsburg, VA)

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